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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MURDOCK FASHION +mushtache 25
NABOBS +mushtache & square 43
PATRAO +hat & mushtache 43
POGONO PHILE +mushtache 25
RISHI +mushtache 9
SACHI MUCHCHI +mushtache 26
SUTRA +mushtache & square 9
SWAGGER +mushtache 12
mushtache 43
THIKANA +mushtache & circle 43
URBAN FAKIR +mushtache 25
USTAAD +mushtache & square 35
WHOLLY JOY +mushtache & ova 29
YOUNGMISSION +mushtache 14
ZORDAAR +mushtache 9
crown mushtache & square 42
mushtache 9
crown square & mushtache 35, 38
hat spectacles mushtache 18
spectacles & mushtache 35
music +squares 28
music +sun 9
music BANK +cat 9
music CHOICE +ovals 38, 41
music CHOICE +square 9
music DEN 35
music FOR YOU 27, 28, 29, 30, 32
music GETS ME HIGH 35
music GURUS +arcs & square 41
music GURUS +spirals square 35
music LIFE +man 9
music LINE +squares 9
music MAGIC 41
music MATES 9, 16, 41
music PARK +oval 35
music ROCKS LOVE music LIFE 9
music TODAY 16, 35, 41
music TODAY +stripes 41
music TRACK 9
music WAR 9
music YOGI.com +man 9
music ZONE 9
music absolute.COM +boy 9
music bar & notes 12
music mail 9
music mantra 9
music mark 9
music matinee +buildings 35, 41
music nepal MN +trident 9
music notation for jingle 38, 41
music notations 10
music note 9
music note & box 9
music note & circle 9, 38, 41, 42
music note & oval 35, 41, 45
music note & square 9
music note & wing 25
music note arcs ovals squar 42
music note circle & triangl 9
music note oval & square 9
music notes 24, 25, 30, 35
music notes in all scales 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40
music station AKD 9
music symbol & square 9
music symbol oval & square 38
music tune 42, 43, 44, 45
1 MH 24 hours music channel 9
10 S music 9
3A music 15
786 music 9
A Z U drinks food music +ar 43
ABS music cassetts 9
AIRTEL music my song mystor 41
AIRTEL music search 38
AIRTEL easy music search 38
AJOOBA music +squares & arc 9
AKS music +oval & arcs 41
AKSH music video production 9
ALFA music 15
AMV MUSIC +music instrument 41
ANOINTED MUSIC +music note 41
APEX music +square 9
AQUAEROTHYMIX +music notes 41
AQUARIAN music 9
ARCHIES music +flower 9
ARIES music 9
ARK music 9
B4U music 9, 15, 16
BACKGROUND music 9, 16, 38, 41
BEATERS music group +oval 41
BEATS 99 +music notes 35
BHARTI music +man & circle 9
BIG music & home video 9
BIG music & video 41
BIG music & video +square 9
BIR music 9
BR music +circle 9
C&C INC. +arcs & music note 41
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